
expr ::= literal
       | if_expr
       | match_expr

Binary and unary operators


block       ::= "{" stmts "}"
condition   ::= expr
              | "let" pattern "=" expr
consequent  ::= "if" condition block
alternative ::= "else" consequent ( alternative )?
              | "else" block
if_expr     ::= consequent ( alternative )?

If-let conditions

Sometimes it’s desirable to perform pattern matching on a value with a single pattern without needing the full power of the match expression. For these cases, the if-let expression can be useful.

Instead of a boolean condition, it uses the let keyword and a single pattern:

let thing = Maybe::Just(123);

if let Maybe::Just(x) = thing {
  -- use the `x` value

If-let conditions can be chained together although a match expression is likely to be more idiomatic and less verbose:

let thing = Maybe::Just(123);

if let Maybe::Just(42) = thing {
  "the answer"
} else if let Maybe::Just(x) = thing {
  "the value: " ++ ::Fmt::int(x)
} else {
  "has no value"

-- vs --

match thing {
  Maybe::Just(42) => "the answer",
  Maybe::Just(x) => "the value: " ++ ::Fmt::int(x),
  Maybe::None => "has no value",


Match expressions

match_arm_handler ::= expr
                    | block
match_arm         ::= pattern "=>" match_arm_handler
match_expr        ::= "match" "{" ( match_arm )+ "}"

See the Patterns chapter for information about how to construct patterns.